A lot of alcohol usually damages your liver and insides and over time can give you an unsightly (IMO) beer belly. Soft drinks like colas will erode your teeth, play havoc with your blood sugar levels and your sleep patterns and also give you gas

Alcohol and caffeine are both addictive. We all know what happens when alcohol takes over your life but caffeine addiction isnt that well documented but can ruin your life on a day-to-day basis by making you tired after the initial boost during the day and not letting you sleep easy at night. Both types of drink can also give you the squirts (eww).
I personally don't like to drink a lot of alcohol except on social occasions and when i'm at home i prefer not to drink fizzy sugary soft drinks like coke. I usually go for water based drinks like Ribena because it has a lot of vitamin C in it. Mostly just stuff which you add a tiny bit to a glass, add water and it tastes lovely. I like to drink milk whenever i can too although it doesnt last long and its probably a bit expensive to keep drinking milk but i love it. Other favourites include orange juice, pineapple juice, cranberry juice, ice water, hot tea w/ milk (no sugar for me).
This is a drastic change from the things i used to drink - i used to drink coke/pepsi/dr pepper all the time. If you try to drink the healthier stuff that i drink you'll find not only do you feel better (sleep better, have better teeth, better skin[worked for me anyway] etc) but your shopping bills should come down slightly too. Win-win situation