Here is the danger of this, especially in a country such as Iraq, or worse in third world countries where sustenance farming is the rule and not the exception.
I am a small farmer who raises a crop for my own consumption and for trade with my friends and neighbors. I have saved my seed every year to plant the the same crop the next year. It is the same seed variety my father and grandfather raised, and I raise it in the same manner, for the same purpose. Down the road is a larger industrialized farm that is raising the same crop I am, only theirs is a genetically modified variety. When the gmo-variety down the road NATURALLY produces pollen, the pollen from those fields blows down to my crop and UNCONTROLLABLY cross-pollinates some of my plants. This cross pollination is unwanted and unknown to me and I derive no benefit from the genetic alteration (it is most often done to allow that plant to withstand a certain herbicide, or an extreme dose of a certain herbicide. If I don't use that herbicide, I derive no benefit from the genetic modification). The patent owner of the industrial farmer's crop finds out my plants contain the genes they developed and BY PATENT LAW, THEY OWN MY CROP! If I do not pay royalties to that patent owner, I cannot reuse the seed I have been saving for generations.
"The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others. " - Theodore Roosevelt