Originally Posted by Janie
We haven't been to couple councelling, though we have gone to see a doctor about the lack of sexual activity.
The problem is I feel that I do love him, but I'm not in love with him. That romantic aspect of it is almost completely destroyed because of the months of sexual dissatisfaction. We have set a deadline, that is, if things don't seem to be improving by the new year, then we'll end it. What I want is to help things to get better so it doesn't get to that point. I don't know it that's silly or just wishful thinking on my part.
Sorry, hadn't read this far. It isn't silly, but even if he starts counseling today it will probably take a while to show results (and he has to want to change to change at all). So I don't think new year's is very realistic, but only you can decide how much you want to risk on this relationship.