wow.. lots of responses.
Sorry I did not clarify, but what my friend meant by biologically unnatural is in terms of sexual reproductive parts and human intercourse. What he is saying is that woman have vaginas made for a man to put his penis into and to reproduce, while gay males and females in no way do this. i did not actually argue it out with him, but another friend of mine told me about his argument with this friend.
Anyways, there are a few arguments refering to animals, but as someone already stated they are lesser animals and we as humans should be above that (Don't argue this one out too much, since I for one don't think he really cares about this and i'm sure most anti-gays dont either). Second, arguments about it being pleasurable and that we are a social society, his arguements clearly states, biological, social issues do not matter. Also, a womens clitoris being left out for ease of pleasurement by any sex isn't too great an argument. A womens clitoris is made pleasureable because when a women has an orgasm her vagina contracts forming a sort of suction, making more sperm enter her vagina. Also, doesn't this leave room for animals and everything to pleasure us to, lets just not go there. Third, anal sex and oral sex, he does not believe in these things either. lastly, I thought about the idea that almost everything we do is "unnatural," but this seems to be a very weak argument. Mainly because in reference to cars and inventions, we made these things, there isn't really a way for these things to be natural, also the composition of the earth are meant to be used for resources such as these. the problem with homosexuality is the plain simple fact that there is a penis and a vagina, and they come together for a biological purpose.
it's sort of difficult to explain the argument, but there has been some good points brought up. I think most of you understand what i'm saying, so don't pick on the words.
Last edited by mandal; 11-12-2004 at 11:08 PM..