Originally Posted by Lebell
Sure thing.
It starts with, "BeFree asked me a few days ago to look over the North Carolina election returns."
Who is this person? Who is BeFree? What proof do we have that his numbers are right? Where are his references? Why did he choose to post them on DU? Has he reported them to someone else?
And from there we go to speculation that because some polls and other races were out of sync with the final product that there MUST be fraud.
Again, show me proof, with a trail that can be audited, not speculation and innuendo.
As an aside, my old home state, Colorado, up until Bill Owens, regularly elected a Democratic governer and a Republican Legistlature. They also elected a Democrat (Ken Salazar) to take the place of a the retiring Republican Senator, Ben Nighthorse Campbell.
Fishy, isn't it?