You people who call yourselfs skeptics and that believe in these, for shame. Not that I'm saying I'm certain Ouiji boards don't work, but while we're talking about supernatural who says it's spirits? What if it's telekenesis? If spirits can exist why not other powers?
It is very true what someone said earlier in this thread, people who believe this stuff tend to be naive and dare I say a bit ignorant. I can think of quite a few experiements off the top of my head.
You be the observer, get 2 reliable people, and a "spirit" that seems cooporative, have the 2 people tell it to pick a 5 digit number. Then ask it what it is, write it down. Get 2 more people that were in the next room (and couldn't have heard/seen what the number is). Bring them in and have them ask the spirit what that 5 digit number was. Simple as that. If it seems like an all knowing spirit, ask it specific future dates of events. Now ask yourself this, if that worked, don't you think someone would have figured this out by now and be using it to make money (like stock market)?
Not that that should keep you from testing this yourself. I challenge all you believers (and non) to test this out yourself, come up with your own experiments instead of basing your belief on how creeping an experience you had was.