Drunks. This is my worst movie experience:
Used to live in a college town that had late night movies on weekends. Loud and drunk. People yelled at the screen. The first comment was quite funny. The next twenty were just annoying. Heard a beer bottle (I assume) clack on the floor and roll down at least ten rows. The lovers two rows back talked throughout loud enough for me to hear what they were talking about. A good number of the drunks didn't make it through the whole movie. About half way through two ushers walk up the aisle. They stop and talk before coming back with a mop. Yup, someone tossed their cookies and for five minutes I watched the silhouette of an usher with a mop clean up the mess.
That was the last time I ever went to the late movie. Even now I try to go on slow weeknights just to avoid all of the behaviors listed above.