I find humor in games all the time....
Halo 2: Master Chief and Co.'s noisy entrance to an area:
Cortana - "do you have to make so much noise?"
Master Chief steps out of the landing pod and equips a rocket launcher
GTA San Andreas: OG Loc's terrible rhymes. Also, Rockstar's "ownage" to Reflections (developer of Driver 3) pertaining to it's crappiness:
guy playing videogame in mansion: "damn Refractions, how did you screw up AGAIN? Tanner, you SUCK!"
World of Warcraft: Any of the Voice Emotes for the Silly function. Hilarious.
Metal Gear Solid 3: You shoot the monkeys from Ape Escape in a mini-game
Need for Speed: Underground - the first race gives you a badass car with nitrous and hundreds of HP, then you beat the race and the narrator says "you didn't think it would be that easy did you!" and basically starts you with a Dodge Neon.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.