Originally Posted by fibber
Of course, they may also fear that down the road, with legalization would come more health studies that might possibly show more adverse affects of pot and they'ld be in the crapper once again.
It all depends where those studies come from. If that "anti-drug" organization does studies, they will be biased and negative. If a pothead does a study, it will be biased and positive. If an independent study is done, you will see that the pros and cons balance each other out.
Unless there's something in it that we've been overlooking for decades, I highly doubt any study will come out that will show marijuana to be more harmful than cigarettes.
We all know what cigs do in the longrun, but if you have a cigarette here and there, it's very improbable that you'll develop any complications because of it. If you smoke enough to get addicted, then you're up to a pack or two a day, every day for years... that's bad. Chances are, the majority of people won't be smoking a pack of joints if it were legal.
If you drink occasionally, it's actually (according to some studies) beneficial. But if you drink excessively, you develop an addiction and complications of your liver, etc.
It's like anything else: if used in moderation, it's perfectly fine. Anything has the potential to become harmful if used excessively. Putting sand in your ear is harmful, but we don't really need a law to tell us it's stupid to do so, do we?
It has its cons like anything else. Like I said, I don't think we'll be surprised with any study that suddenly says it's more harmful than constant cigarette smoking or drinking.