His argument has creedence only if intercourse amongst humans was for procreation.
The thing is, we humans mostly have sex for pleasure and the other benefits to relationships gathered from the intimacy it generates. Based on this our search for pleasure is based largely on personal taste and preferred stimulus, hence homosexuality falls more under the preference zone of sexual activity.
As for it being unnatural even animals that primarily have intercourse to raise young, have shown homosexual activity.
Chimps, rabbits, dogs. All these and others have shown it.
Put 2 male bunnies in a cage for a month. Watch and laugh.
Your friend is wrong to state that it is unnatural.
The ONLY grounds for saying that a certain sexual preference or act is wrong is the MORAL viewpoint. When you start to exert your moral preferences (outside the bounds of SOCIALLY unacceptable acts like murder) on other people by legislation you are indeed on shakey ground.