Originally Posted by jack's liver
There are plenty of huge holes in the theory of evolution, and just because people continue to hold onto the theory and continue to try to find that essential fossil to prove their THEORY into law doesn't make it more true. It gives them a nifty hobby which I guess is better than smoking pot and playing XBox, but it's no more valid or important than someone going to church. Sure you can keep telling yourself it's more noble because "I haven't given up on trying to find solid evidence of my beliefs", but in the end your just trying to make your THEORY better than someone else's beliefs which at the current time they're not. Don't get me wrong - I'm not argueing for creationism and if you go read my post I never did, I'm just saying in the end both THEORIES are just that THEORY.
Thanks for the post. I note you failed to say anything of import, though. Religion has claimed to have found the ultimate truth, science has not. And don't get me started on who has killed countless people in the name of their "theory."
Oh, and I didn't say take it or leave it, but you kinda have to since you're in the minority - unless you move to France, Germany .... (ah the beauty of democracy)
I take it you figure it is pointless to try and change the thing you love, and it's better to accept it how it is, failure though it may be.
But, keep displaying your superior intellect to me - I don't mind
Last I checked. no one here professed to having a superior anything. Have some sort of inferiority complex?
To address the evolution/creation issue I'll paraphrase someone I doubt you've heard of. "I got a one word question for you: dinosaurs."