Originally Posted by mandal
Had a friend talk to me the other day about gay rights and he gave me this argument. I have to say it's the best argument I've heard. for all those who support gay rights help me figure out a argument against his.
Here's what he claims, it's pretty simple:
Homosexuality is biologically unnatural, therefore a line must be drawn somewhere.
The argument itself makes no sense, why must a line be drawn somewhere? What line? How do biology and homosexuality relate? Why should homosexuality be considered "unnatural"? If we weren't supposed to do it then why would God have made prostate stimulation feel so good?(I've never done anything anal, so I can't say from personal experience, but that is what I've heard)
Why is the clitoris on the the surface where it is easily reached by both men AND women, instead of deep in the vagina where it could only be stimulated by a phallis? Same argument goes for oral sex.
As the evidence I see would point out that God kept homosexual pleasures in mind when He made us and left the decision* to be gay up to us.
*It is a decision because even if a person is born gay, they still have the choice of acting out there desires or choosed instead that they prefer the opposite sex, even if they are not physically attracted to them**. I could decide to be gay and participate in homosexuality even if I am only physically attracted to the opposite sex. Or if I had homosexual desires I could decide to follow heterosexual actions. Even if you are straight and choose to be straight you are still making a choice.
**Note that I am not commenting on the morality of homosexuality, I find nothing immoral in it, nor do I consider it to be evil or a sin. I just feel that humans have a choice and are not totally driven by physical desires.