Originally Posted by Coppertop
Yes, but the scientific method leaves in a device for correction, and gladly replaces old data with new. You cannot say the same about most religions. Specifically not with creationists. They're right, so they say, end of story.
But isn't this what evolutionists say? They don't say "we don't know" they say "we can't prove evolution, but we are sure that's the way things came to be and all other viewpoints are wrong". Just because they revise their current theory, doesn't make them right. This is really funny, as one of the critisicms often leveled at Christians is how often the bible is revised, how it can be interpreted differently, etc. Apparently revision is only accepted for evolutionists. Do I think schools should be teaching intelligent design? Not really, but if a community believes that their children should be presented the theory, that is up to them. Is it really hurting anyone? Both views are being taught, it's not like evolution is being banned.
And more on the thread's topic, Bush being reelected has already given a great boon to the economy. The demand for violins has skyrocketed to accomodate all the sad songs liberals have been singing.