also posted to GFF-
I never had enough money to view it in the theater. I am now viewing it on my laptop and am stunned.
I beleive this is propoganda of the vilest form. Michael Moore is a Hollywood filmmaker - not a researcher on policy.
Minorities in the House of Representitives were not repressed by the evil white men in the Senate. The objectors to Bush's vistory in 2000 knew the rules of state and procedures for filing a complaint.
The Saudi royals were no more favored by the Bush's than other forgin diplomats. The total investments of 1.4 Billion into Bush related oil industries is stretching supposition. More people work in Oil than the Bush family.
Business runs the economy as it should. This is the nature of the free market.
"It is important to us to not reveal how we collect information. We are fighting an enemy." Bush - Farenheit 911
When Michael Moore quotes him he tries to show a man repressing truth. I see a man trying to protect a country. We had a shitty intellegence system- admittedly - but there was no need to make it worse by letting things loose while we were fighting a war.
The investments that the Saudis have in the economy (michael moore estimates 7% of the economy) that Moore shows - are statistics cleverly placed to create fear int he audience.
Who is afraid of this? Has anyone wondered how much of other countries we by defacto investments "own"??????????? The United States could create real havoc on the international economy of we threw up the walls......
This is vindictive- this is bitter- this is hatred in one of its purest forms. And it is not from the conservitives....aint that funny.
Weeks before the election Citizens in Colorado received calls - presumably from the Government, informing them that their loved ones in Iraq had been killed.
At the end of the calls, the voices told them that "this call will be for real if George W Bush gets re-elected."
This is pure hatred. This is filth. This is radical liberalisim. I am not a liberal, (or conservative) and I have watched the full film. I am not uninformed, I am disgusted.
I am sure you have all seen the T-Shirts saying "Michael Moore is Fat!"
Although the T-shirts are reactionary, they speak a deeper message. That statement is just about the only truth you can get out of Farenheit 911.