Originally Posted by sprocket
Actually I think most people are smart enough to realize that a military is necessary in this world. Necessary for survival. Without it, we would be the slaves of those who do not share your qualms about killing. They also recognize that in order for a military to function properly in life and death situations, orders must be followed without question, and sometimes you have to take part in actions you may not agree with. But by doing so you ensure the people you serve have the protection they need.
So I guess since we realize that a military is essential for our existence we are all sheep.
Unfortunately, humanity has failed so miserably, that the mentality that war is necessary for survival is how far we have come. Sadly, this has been true from the beginning and will continue to remain so, until people realize that killing is not the proper solution. What is even more disturbing is that the end of humanity will most likely be
caused by humanity themselves, rather than a natural event.