Originally Posted by Seaver
Really? because LONG before the Iraq war... on Sept 13, 2001 I was walking in unifrom and got called a baby killer, got food thrown at me, and had a hippy try to fight me. Though of course according to the UCMJ I couldnt do anything but keep walking.
Oh, and Rdr4evr go fuck yourself
Look I never said there aren't nutcases out there. There are bad eggs in the military too - remember tailhook?
The anti-war movement is not anti soldier. Anyone who claims to be anti soldier is not upholding the values of the anti war movement.
The vast majority of those of us who are against this war frankly feel it's astonishing that people who want to bring the soldiers home where they are safe are considered anti-soldier while people who want them to go fight a war they don't need to be in where they run a high risk of getting killed or maimed are considered pro-soldier.
How the hell does that work?