Originally Posted by Tarl Cabot
It's hardly a shock considering we had a "loathe the military" president, Bill Clinton, for eight long years.
Then, of course, Clinton and Gore tried to disenfranchise the active duty soldiers in 2000.
Which brings us to Kerry, who told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee stories about American troops cutting off heads and ears, razing villages "in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan" and committing "crimes . . . on a day-to-day basis."
His apology was that his words were "a little bit excessive . . . a little bit over the top."
I'm still amazed that he tried to be elected president on the basis of his four months in Vietnam.
Then again, he sure couldn't run on his Senate record.
Your post is below response. It is inaccurate, hateful, and closeminded. I shouldn't have even written this much. Blech.
Actually, I'll take the low road: why is it OK to disrespect Kerry's Vietnam service but accusing ANYONE else who served of anything is treason? Just curious.
I also want to say that I don't know anyone who actually hates the soldiers. I go to a very, very, very, very liberal college (and I fit right in), and I don't know anyone who does that. It is a small college, and everyone kind of knows almost everyone else. One student who was in the reserves went to Iraq for a year and a half and just recently returned. Everyone greeted him with open arms. He gave a well attended speech with a student from Iraq, and there were no hard feelings towards anyone. My cousin's commission starts on January 1 with the Army.
The point is, we lefties hate this war. It's wrong, should never have happened, and dramatically counterproductive for America. But we don't hate the soldiers. We just want them home, safe, or if it is absolutely necessary, fighting somewhere we need them to be.