Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
That, for the most part sums up my feelings towards military personnel. Although it is the administration that sends them to war, it is the soldiers that make the decision to go kill people for whatever 'cause' they may believe they are 'fighting' for.
Regardless of popular opinion on this matter, I believe most people are afraid to express hatred towards the military, be it for any country, because society tells them they must “support the troops.” Most people unfortunately don't think for themselves, but rather let society and media do the thinking for them.
If this post is serious, it's very very sad. The soldiers' jobs are to follow their commanding personnel. They're doing their job. If you believe the commanding chief is acting on false pretense, then so be it. But, how can you fault people for doing their job? As far as they are concerned, their job is necessary in defense of the nation. They cannot be held responsible because their commanding chief acts in a way that many people disagree with in some aspect.
However, the post I'm replying to seems to be the toughts of a very small minority of people. I would think most people feel this opinion is a radical thought and would quickly reject it. Therefore, I won't waste more of your time to continue to argue a point.