I am looking for a BAT file to monitor a folder on my Windows machine that can specifically monitor the folder for a certain file extension, and when it finds a file with that extension, will automatically ZIP or RAR the file, then delete the file it compressed (this is a similar process to Adobe Distiller monitoring for *.ps files to change into PDF).
Seems I found that DOSRAR exists with every install of WinRAR, but now I need some help on the BAT part. The file I will be compressing will be constantly getting bigger (a Counter-Strike demo, to be exact) so therefor I can't set the BAT script to run with Windows Task Scheduler because attempting to RAR when the file is still growing wouldn't be any good. I need a process in the script that can check the filesize of the file (*.dem) and then check it again in X minutes/seconds and if FileSize1 < FileSize2 then checkAgain. Then once FileSize1 == FileSize2, run the action of RARing the file (shown below) and set FileSize1 == 0.
HTML Code:
rar a -m5 -agddmmyy_hhmm -ep -df C:\folder1\ @backup.lst
Could anybody be so kind to help me with this or turn me somewhere for help? Thanks!