"Abortion in my opinion is America's genocide, how we can wave the moral banner to the world while it is soaked in our own blood I cannot see."
This scares me...
This issue is very important in america right now and is both a political and religious issue. I think that it is safe to say that the majority of pro-lifers are religious and that is their main argument for it. We cannot interphere in god's miracles, and the like... This is a serious problem when it comes to making laws and deciding what the entire nation should do. Even though Bush is doing a horrible job at it, the church is supposed to be SEPARATE from state. Therefore, this argument of why it should be illegal or condemmed should be thrown out the window right now.
I think is is absolutly disgusting that people can say the sins of the rapist don't justify killing an innocent child and that the women is a horrible person for doing so, when there is a war going on in Iraq that is killing thousands of innocent children because of Saddam's sins. If you support the anti abortion law (in the case of rape) and the iraq war...which the majority of Bush supporters do...you are a hypocrite! What is the difference?
Second of all, lets not forget that government is made up of almost entirly males and that this issue is almost entirely female. It is horrible that religious fanatic men think that they have any right to tell a women what to do with her own body. Rape is a horrible intrusive crime. To force a women to relive it everyday while she goes through a pregnancy and knows that this disgusting, waste of life man's child is growing inside her is unbelievably unfair to her.
Are you pro-life people serously telling me that when a 12 year old virgin is raped and horribly beaten that she should have no other option then to go through a pregnancy and that she will be concidered evil for getting rid of the child?...there is something seriously wrong with that.
I cannot even express how much respect i have for those women who do have children that were a result of rape and can put it behind them and raise the child in a loving home. I admire people who are pro-life when if comes to themselves or their partner. I don't disagree with you, i don't think i could bring myself to have one either. Where i start to get a little angry is when people try to push their views onto others or try to pass laws forbidding any other option. Whatever a women decides to do, it is between her, her conscience and whatever god she has to answer to. Anyone elses opinion, be it government, family, or people posting on a message board, should have absolutly no say in the matter.
Also....in the case of rape, we are not talking about 3rd trimester abortions. In almost all cases the pregnancy will be terminated immediatly with the morning after pill or at most a few weeks later.
Sorry this is so long, but seeing as it's an important issue i wanted to get my opinion out.