Thread: Military rant
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Old 11-11-2004, 05:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Military rant

I started to put this in general discussion, but figured it would get moved here anyway.

I would like to state that I am in no way trying to intentionally piss anyone off. I am stating my feelings on a subject that I take very seriously. I have edited the following several times in an attempt to rephrase what might be considered inflammatory to those who hold differing opinions. I would be interested on the feelings of others on the military in their respective countries. Please feel free to agree or disagree.

I was just listening to the radio and heard a song by Shelly Wright. I'm not particularly fond of it, but the story behind it has my attention. Her brother is in the Marine Corps, and he sent her a bumper sticker to display. She puts it on her SUV and this lady flips her the bird. How she knows it is for the sticker, I don't know. So, she writes this song to get back at the lady.

I am very proud of my service to this country. I also have great respect for those who have served, or are currently serving their home countries. I appreciate and am very humbled by the show of appreciation from this community to it's veterans.

However, I am saddened by a growing resentment toward our military. There are people out there that think military personnel are heartless, warmongering, blood-lusting bastards. We are categorized as less than intelligent for the beliefs we hold and for whom we tend to vote. It is not as bad as it was for those coming back from Vietnam, but it is disturbing none the less. And to think it has only happened in the last sixty years.

What misguided hatred it is to be directed at the military for fighting and dying in an unpopular war. And why are they dying? They are dying because they are trying to fight a humane war against an inhumane adversary that doesn't have to play by the rules. I believe that it is naive to think that the most powerful military on the planet couldn't start at one side of that country and march death and destruction across the land while sustaining minimal casualties. The only thing that keeps this from happening, is trying to save civilians and limit collateral damage.

Even though I would prefer that we had not went into Iraq, we are there now. As much as I would like a civil end to this conflict, we won't be talking our way out. Furthermore, if we leave without finishing what was started, it will be ten times more difficult when we have to go back.
Semper Fi
Cadwiz is offline  

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