Originally Posted by Manx
The real problem with Intelligent Design is not so much that it is based on Creationism, rather, the problem is simply that it is the opposite of logic. Essentially, it is a principle that says "we don't know some things, therefore we should just forget about trying to learn those things and wrap everything up in a nice little bow called 'higher power'".
It's nothing more than an "I don't know. I give up." mentality.
And this is a problem because the people that support this mentality are making headway in getting it implemented in our educational system.
The Fact of the matter is evolution is just as unprovable as anything else. Sure, you can make those leaps of faith in evolution and try your best to connect the dots in your head, but in the end you're making the same leap of faith as people that believe in creationism (that's the definition of a theory).
There is a way for you to find out if you're right though - just find some way to end your life. For most people though, they either have faith in god and this precludes them from killing themselves or they don't and they're to scared to end their existence or more correctly don't have enough faith in their belief to find out.
In any event my previous points are off topic. I think if you don't like the way the country is headed you can always take a pilgrimage to your homeland - France, Sweden, Germany, Russia or take your pick. There you can enjoy their perfect unemployment rate, their immense influence in the world, and their inability to take a position on anything important (other than non-participation). There you can recharge your pesimistic batteries and come back with more resolve to turn this country into the New Sweden. On top of that you can do it knowing George Bush will not stop fighting for your security in the world - even if you don't like him.