I'm not sure who 90 percent of the pictures are...
Something for everyone, right ladies?
Here's mine.. I don't like 'em prissy.. (Y'all can keep Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise, and John Cusack and those types) or broody. I like manly men... and tall -- oh please be tall... and if they can pull off lookin' snappy in a suit... I'm all over it...
Craig T Nelson (From Coach and The District)
Mark Harmon (he gets better looking as he gets older -- I love the gray hair)
Harrison Ford (gets older, gets better, anytime anywhere)
Phil Simms (I've had such a crush on him, since he took my beloved NY Giants to the superbowl in 1986 and played most of '90 - he lived about 1/4 of a mile from my parents last house and saw him on numerous occassions at Christmas Eve Mass) (I don't like blondes, but damn - -he's got he smile)
William Peterson (brains and beauty in one package)