Originally Posted by JimmyTheHutt
But then the subject of revisionism comes up, as well as the fact that the winner writes the history. Beyond that, when it comes to Iraq, I think we can make some educated guesses right now.
We can make guesses as to whether it is right or wrong to be in Iraq but until we are completely out of there for a time period significant enough to establish whether has become a stable and contributing nation in the world or if things haven't changed and it's only a new face committing similar atrocities it is only a guess.
The fact that the winner writes the history is true to some extent but largly outdated. This isn't like it was 300 years ago when two nations could be at war and nobody gives a fuck. Nowdays there are the winners, the losers, and the observers. Even though they were defeated, the losers are never completely annihilated. There will always be those left over to tell their side of the story and say that although they were right, they lost. Whether it is ignored or not (or treated as revisionism) is a different story.