Originally Posted by Stompy
I don't think "quitting" is the word for it. Quitting what, exactly? It's not like we're still in the middle of the 1700's where freedom didn't exist. It's not like freedom and the practice of "everyone is equal" is restricted to JUST the US these days.
Dude they are leaving the country that they grew up in because they don't want to fight for what they believe is rightfully theirs. Despite the Marriage Bans you'd have to be blind not to see that things are better for them now than they were 10 years ago.
If, in this day and age, you STILL have battles to fight for equality, then something is wrong. Not with the SYSTEM, but with the people. Perhaps the country deserves to decay in its own ignorance..
It's a civil rights movement. No civil rights movement has even been accomplished without struggle. If you care about your country you stick it out. To make matters worse for them fundies can legitimately claim that the behavior is immoral and therefore detrimental to society. Since the evidence as to whether being gay is a choice or not is conflicting to say the least, they don't have science on their side either.
Ultimately they will have to accept that, just like blacks and women, parts of the population will always see them as being something less. Although I think that is a fucked up way to think of gay people, those people have the right to think that way.