Originally Posted by martinguerre
" I believe any discussion of van Gogh's views is a subtle admission that well, maybe this "racist asshole" deserved to have his head sawed off!"
Any discussion? The proper way to honor someone who died in part because of his outspoken views is to NOT discuss those views and the effect of their espousal? Now, call me crazy, but that doesn't make a whit of sense.
You are right, Martinguerre, I have overstated my case. I just hope no one here believes that van Gogh's murder is a good reason to limit free speech. Any person who believes in civil liberties should make it clear to one and all that those who use murder in response to unpopular speech will be treated with the full wrath of the law. I am reminded of the artist in Holland who put up a sign that said "Thou shall not kill" as a memorial to van Gogh. "But because the head of the nearby mosque complained to the police that this was 'offensive' and 'racist', the cops came and sent in city workers to sandblast the mural. A local journalist, Wim Nottroth, who wanted to protest against this by standing in front of the mural was arrested." This kind of response sends the message that we have no confidence in our own civil values. It says we can be intimidated.