Originally Posted by Charlatan
They aren't quitting... they are just starting elsewhere.
No, they are quitting. Moving to another country so that you don't have to fight for what you deserve IS quitting.
The gay community needs to look at the civil rights struggles during recent history and set reasonable goals. Their problem is that they asked for too much and now many are butthurt because *surprise* the majority voted againt them.
How long ago did the gay rights movement actually pick up steam? 10, 15 years? Look at where gays were in 1990 and compare them to now. Have things improved? Absolutely. Are things perfect? No, but in the long run America always gets shit figured out.
Blacks and Women both had major backlashes and their movements too. It took Black people hundreds of years to reach a semi equal status and they STILL aren't all the way there. Women have been second rate for millenia and only now are they on an almost even playing field. Gays have not been openly fighting for very long in comparison and they have made a hell of a lot more progress than any other civil rights movement during the time that they have been fighting. It's hard to ask, but they need patience and they also need to realize that we can't FORCE people to accept the morals of their lifestyle.
They should have pushed civil unions.