Originally Posted by scout
I really doubt anyone had to work very hard to get these laws passed. Passing laws that ban gay marriage doesn't necessarily mean people give a damn what sexual orientation someone might be. It merely means most Americans agree that marriage should be reserved for the "traditional" couple of one male and one female. I believe the gay community would have been better served to push for some sort of legal union giving them the same rights as the traditional "marriage".
That's probably quite true. If the movement, for lack a better word, hadn't attached the word marriage to it, it wouldn't have scared the bejeebus out of folks and probably wouldn't have been as big a deal as it is. However, we've been through this seperate but equal crap before and re-hashed the same argument in any number of threads here. Suffice it to say, seperate but equal, in my eyes at least, is nothing more than patronizing bigotry. Now look here, son. We gave you seperate bathrooms, diners and water fountains. Wasn't that nice of us?
Again, I hate to keep trying to drive this point home, but the fact is they do care what your sexual preference is. You can harp all day long about tradition and what defines a traditional couple, but the fact of the matter is there are only two sexes. (I know...I know...) either your heterosexual or homosexual. I think we can all agree that marrying animals is out of the question, right? So, really what does that leave us. They're not protecting marriage for traditional heterosexual couples, they're protecting it against non-traditional homosexual couples. So, where exactly is it where they don't care who you're snorking?
While I agree it is bigotry, I don't believe or agree it's in anyway shape or form an uphill battle. The uphill battle is what the gay community now finds it has on it's hands.
I'm afraid I don't understand. You agree that it's bigotry and still support it? Am I mixed up? Did I misread something? If not, I have to ask, how exactly can you support legalized bigotry?
Obviously typed by someone with no children in school.
Sort of wrong. I have several nieces and nephews that go to school, not to mention my little brother. Now, they aren't "my kids," but I know more about what goes on in their classrooms than their parents do. Does that count?
I forgot to ask this in the last run through. Why isn't it okay to be gay? I kind of ran with a joke there, but really, what isn't it okay to teach kids a little tolerance maybe even acceptance?
That's not necessarily true either. Rather than go into some long spill and derail the thread with another argument altogether, I will just mention two words ...... gun control.
Ah, I knew this one would come up. Gun control is based around the idea that some guns are too dangerous to just let the public have access to them willy nilly. Regardless of how you feel about them, and I don't agree with them, the intent behind the law was to protect the people of America. What exactly are we protecting the public from in banning gay marriage? Hot man-on-man love? Uber-hot love trysts between some desperate co-eds? I joke, but really most of the gay community just wants what everyone else has. They want to marry, they want to buy a house, live the American dream, right? So what exactly are we "protecting" the people from as it pertains to gay marriage?
Edit: Averett, Oh stop, I'm blushing..