Whoa, there...
Nazggul and Charlatan, a stereotype (in my definition) is the media-mind characterization of a group. Is that sort of how you define it, too? A characterization being a gathering of the most blantant and prominent features of at least one member of that group without regard as to whether or not that characterization applies to the entire group.
Yes? No?
So, then, Nazggul, you are saying that all of the guys with wobbly wrists who call each other "bitch" in their best judy garland voices are being themselves? No, I disagree, my viewpoint is that they've seen this image for so many years and have sadly become that image because they think that is how a homosexual man is "supposed" to be. That is a falsehood, nothing more that acting.
A person should simply be. A person who acts out a stereotype to define themself is a truly sad individual. A person is a collection of traits and ideas, the least of which is who they sleep with. When someone uses a stereotype as their role model, they've lost the major portion of their being. It doesn't matter what that stereotype is. It makes that person little more a poser who is acting a role to move through life, not living life.
Look at myself in the mirror? Sure. Beats the hell out of me what's reflected there. I enjoy woodworking and carpentry, electrical wiring, reading, writing books, websurfing, programming, 3d graphics, anime and cartoons (sailor moon, cowboy bebop, card captor sakura, Rugrats, Steel Angel Karumi), cutting the grass, baking, doo-wop and led zeppelin, 50's girl groups, I don't do anything with my hair, shaving is optional, I like the taste of listerine, I don't drink, I have scars and arthritis, I don't care much about clothes and am happy buying a dozen of the same shirt and slacks because I can't be bothered deciding what to wear, I drink diet coke, I dust fanatically, I scrub the drain board everyday, I wash the inside of my washer, I spend 15 minutes ironing every shirt and 12 minutes on every pair of paints, I think bush is a blithering idiot, I think kerry is still the same phony dickhead he was 30 years ago, I like fine hand-painted bone china teacups, I watch DeGrassi and reruns of Xena.
Beats me. I sure don't think I'm acting out anyone's stereotype. Maybe, but I don't think I've seen it anywhere. It may not be the best life, but it's what I have and I'm managing okay.