gee, America is a paradox.
On one hand your politicians all get up and sing "God Bless America", you have "In God we trust" on your currency, and happily refer to the war on terror as a "crusade".
Yet on the other hand, you restrict the freedom of some individuals (a teacher) to apparently enlarge the freedom of others (her students). In this case, a woman can not wear a cross shaped piece of jewellery.
What has more effect on the children? Her jewellery or your George W style "kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out" christian culture?
Perhaps the children are losing out because they are not been exposed to diversity of opinion. Instead of the personal-human connection they are immersed in Orwellian bureaucratic blandness.
As for the swastika comment above, I think the poster meant that there is no intelligent discrimination between symbols. That is to say, to a politically correct mind police bureaucrat the star of david, a pentgram, a cross, and swastika all have the same value.
Remember, to the politically correct there is only one true value: there are no values. Nazism, Christianity, Commuinism, Slavery, Animism, Astrology, Voodoo are all equally valid and equally right systems.
If you believe that, you're believe that a piece of jewellery and a women who was likely a good example to her pupils are both threats to civilisation.
Good call regarding name brand clothing. Wearers should be accosted for supporting sweat shop labour and the insidious value system that represents.
Same goes for SUVs and what they represent.