Respectfully, I beg to differ. There was no talk about any amendment until the mayor and the judge took the law into their own hands. One broke the law, the other modified it to suit his personal opinions. Before you go off on some long tangent, I agree that most judges intrepetation of the law is biased by their personal opinion so in reality while it's nothing new, it still shocked the nation.
Originally Posted by guthmund
In all seriousness, I beg to differ. About a week ago 11 states voted to ban gay marriage. That's just last week. Doesn't count the ones that already had simliar laws already on the books. If "most people" don't give a damn what sexual orientation someone might be, why are they working so hard to make sure these laws pass?
I really doubt anyone had to work very hard to get these laws passed. Passing laws that ban gay marriage doesn't necessarily mean people give a damn what sexual orientation someone might be. It merely means most Americans agree that marriage should be reserved for the "traditional" couple of one male and one female. I believe the gay community would have been better served to push for some sort of legal union giving them the same rights as the traditional "marriage". The only state that outright banned legal unions was Ohio.
Oops. Forget that last question. I just hadn't made it down this far yet. So, it's okay to be gay as long as you don't "flaunt" your gayness. I'm not gay, but I get real tired of watching people flaunting their heterosexuality. Hitting on each other in front of me, holding hands, buying houses together and having!
HAHA I see your point, hopefully you seen mine.
The vote to discriminate against American citizens simply because of who they fancy is not a uphill battle to preserve the sanctity of marriage and maintain American moral values, it's bigotry. There is no other way to look at it.
While I agree it is bigotry, I don't believe or agree it's in anyway shape or form an uphill battle. The uphill battle is what the gay community now finds it has on it's hands.
the huge "You're gay; That's okay" movement penetrating the tight recesses of America's schools. I am appalled that these back door shenanigans have slipped by the corrupt caretakers of our beloved educational system.
Obviously typed by someone with no children in school.
Say what you will about the leftists in this country and there's plenty to be said, but they never once had the nerve to propose legislation like this. Legislation designed to single out one sect of American society and punish them simply because they don't like them and think they're wrong.
That's not necessarily true either. Rather than go into some long spill and derail the thread with another argument altogether, I will just mention two words ...... gun control.