Originally Posted by powerclown
Graphic designer at an ad agency. All self-taught computer stuff lol.
In saying that, I would say it depends what you want out of life. I'm basically (still) a lazy, undermotivated person in a lot of ways. Nothing wrong with getting a Master's. It means you're smart and motivated, and nobody can take it away from you. And it has the potential for opening doors to serious $$$ if thats your thing. And as was said, it can be an outright necessity for certain fields of work.
I'm with you there.. I feel like going to school as a graphic design major is a complete waste of my time and I am learning nothing except preparing myself to finally learn something...
it's a bit weird. I think in this field, a lot of the learning (if not most) happens after you graduate... In the mean time, i'm learning about basic design principles, typography elitism do's and don'ts and obscure art history about furniture. yes.