1. female, heterosexual
2. 22
3. wiccan/pagan, average spirituality
4. Pro-choice... there are too many reasons that I could name, at least for myself, as to why a child should not be brought into this world. If the mother is some random crack-whore with mental problems and the daddy is nowhere to be found, can you really justify putting a child into that situation? Yes, you could fight this with an argument for adoption, but then you hit a double standard. If a woman wants to donate her eggs so that someone else can have kids, she has to go through a full psychological and physical evaluation before she can even be considered... so who'd want a crack-whore's kid? And rape victims, who had no choice in the matter to begin with, certainly don't want to have to hold that child and see that child, and every time they do they're reminded of what happened to them to bring that kid to them in the first place.
5. Legal, see 4.
6. I would if I felt that bringing a child into the world would be more harmful to it than never bringing it at all.
7. No.
She's pretty as a daisy
But look out man she's crazy
She'll really do you in
If you let her get under your skin