Originally Posted by cbr9racr
Wow. Just wow. I'm really new to the forums, and its hard for me to believe how differently people view the same circumstances, depending on party.
It's not always a matter of party. I was a Republican before I was able to vote. However, recent views of the party's platform and agenda have caused me to become independent. It's not the party which makes the difference, its what each individual values. I value my privacy and personal freedom to do what I want, watch what I want, and say what I want, more than I value the government's ability to keep me safe.
Originally Posted by cbr9racr
I support the president. Is he perfect? No. Was Kerry perfect? No again. But Bush represents MORE of what I think our country needs...common sense "realistic" policies. Is religion bad for government? Hell no. Look what it did for our countries origin!
More than anything, money made this country what it is. SOME of the colonies (like Massachusetts) were founded by Puritanical religous organizations trying to avoid the Anglican Church. After all, those organizations had lost a conflict with the Royalists and really didn't want to be around that. Other colonies were formed as business opportunities, while others were formed as penal colonies. More than anything, the one thing in common in the actual founding of this nation (not in the origins of the colonies) was the desire for freedom. That is why 13 colonies of disparate origins, beliefs, and economic systems were able to do what they did. Despite the use of the word "God" in the official documents of the day (like the Consitution) the more important and consistent point they stress are the RIGHTS that free people posses.
Therefore, Religon is certainly bad for THIS government. Not all of the people in this nation are Christian, and it is a violation of the founding principles of this nation to make them so through legislation. The First Amendment to the Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." This means that legislating one religon into government policy is a violation. Violating these principles, which are what make this nation something once admired, is dangerous and wrong.
Originally Posted by cbr9racr
** I am NOT religious at all, but I think America needs a little more religion. Have you seen MTV lately? Jesus.
Nope, but that's because I don't watch Television. Its generally pretty stupid regardless of the aim of the content. And remember, just because you find something offensive does not give you the right to decide for the rest of us that it is. That's why there is an off button.
Originally Posted by cbr9racr
If you don't think Bush has a mandate, have you seen the breakdown of red and blue states by county? Take a look:
Geographically, America has REALLY spoken. Sure, the "urban" areas went blue, but it makes me smile to see THAT much red.
Originally Posted by JimmyTheHutt
Admittedly, it's what the majority of the population seems to want (order, security and moral authority over freedom), but it's still pretty contrary to the principles the nation was founded on.
LOL. Yeah, yer right....(chaos, insecurity, and immorality) is what this country needs. This DOES sound more like on what the country was founded. Huh? Is this what you believe? It seems to me that too many people are bashing Bush just to bash, whether or not something he stands for actually makes sense. Its a sad day.
Belief is immaterial. I can look it up in the Constitution and The Bill of Rights. I am not bashing Bush just to bash. I strongly disagree with the direction he inteds to take this country in, and I'm not alone. Admittedly, I am in the minority. However, the marvelous thing about the Consitution and The Bill of Rights is that, because of it, I have the right to say so without being shot by the government. This nation, created by the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution are based on the right of every citizen to the pursuit of "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness". Morality enters into it only so far as causing harm to others. If my activities do not cause harm to another, then I should have the right to pursue them, be it watching porn, playing violent video games, etc. It does not guarantee the right for other citizens or the government to tell me what I can and cannot do. Liberty is a precious gift, and once surrendered, nearly impossible to recover. This is the fundamental reason why I disagree with Bush's agenda. Do I think he is wrong for believing what he does? Not at all. I think he is wrong for trying to force me to behave in what he deems is an acceptable manner. It's also why I disagree with the majority of the country at this point. They do feel its acceptable for him to do so. They have the right to believe that. If they want to live their lives in the way he wishes, they are perfectly willing to do so. They do NOT have the right to make me do so. They are willing to surrender Liberty for Security. In the end they will have neither. Because of this, Bush's agenda is not something that "makes sense for once". Its overall aim of making America a better place to be will fail because at the end, we will have surrendered our Freedom, and still be just as unsafe as we were before 9/11. It costs to much for achieving too little.
Veritas en Lux!
Jimmy The Hutt