Wow. Just wow. I'm really new to the forums, and its hard for me to believe how differently people view the same circumstances, depending on party.
I support the president. Is he perfect? No. Was Kerry perfect? No again. But Bush represents MORE of what I think our country needs...common sense "realistic" policies. Is religion bad for government? Hell no. Look what it did for our countries origin!
** I am NOT religious at all, but I think America needs a little more religion. Have you seen MTV lately? Jesus.
If you don't think Bush has a mandate, have you seen the breakdown of red and blue states by county? Take a look:
Geographically, America has REALLY spoken. Sure, the "urban" areas went blue, but it makes me smile to see THAT much red.
>>>Admittedly, it's what the majority of the population seems to want (order, security and moral authority over freedom), but it's still pretty contrary to the principles the nation was founded on.<<<
LOL. Yeah, yer right....(chaos, insecurity, and immorality) is what this country needs. This DOES sound more like on what the country was founded. Huh? Is this what you believe? It seems to me that too many people are bashing Bush just to bash, whether or not something he stands for actually makes sense. Its a sad day.