What happened to those teens is the same exact thing that happens to all of us when we turn on a television and watch a football game instead of going and playing football or read a romantic novel instead of going out and finding real romance in our own lives.
When we trade virtual experiences for real experiences we run the risk of desentiziing ourselves to the point that satisfaction can never be achieved, robbing ourselves of what their is to learn from every experience, and becoming people who don't know how to live in their own skin.
Pornography isn't just the problem and as we're not about to stop driving our cars and walking everywhere so we can experience the walk I don't think there is any clear cut way to fix the problem but I think we should be careful as to not deprive ourselves of real experiences because it's more convienent to live vicariously through the television.
Does anyone understand what I mean or am I horribly off-topic?
"Porn is a zoo of exotic animals that becomes boring upon ownership." -Nersesian