Originally Posted by kurty[B]
Alaska oil drilling back on agenda
<sarcasm>Now that Republicans have the majority I can't wait to see Alaska's beautiful wilderness littered with oil drilling rigs (environmentally safe or no).</sarcasm>
Even though they claim to do it in the name of bringing down oil prices I will not be surprised when oil prices remain the same, and the extra profits sink into some buddy buddy lobbyist's pocket as they search for the next oil rich land to pillage.
I was born and raised on Colorado. I enjoy the Alaska Wilderness a WHOLE BUNCH. I also want Alaska to have economic growth. The trickle down theory would affect the lower 48 also. We would need steel, supplies, etc....
I am for opening ANWR to exploration. Lets find out what is in the ground and then determine if/when to open it to actual production. An informed decision is based on facts, not emotion. A large majority of Alaskans want this to happen.
I cannot wait for the greenies to get wind of all the mining that is in the near future.
I also find it hard to digest when someone from one of the polluted states has objections to an Alaskan enterprise. When I was in NC they polluted the Neuse/Trent River System so bad the fish would die 500,000 at a time! Maybe we should start telling them to stop hog, chicken, turkey, and other agricultural farming. Do you think that would effect their economy?
We have alot to lose if we trash our state. Why would we allow it to happen.
The profits statement makes me wonder if you want anyone to make money. I read it alot in these forums. Yes, people make money off of large projects, they also risk alot of their money.