yes and no.
If a teenager can't figure out for themselves that porn isn't a typical display of the physical expression of love between person A and person B, then they prolly should'nt be allowed to watch superman movies either because they may very well come to the conclusion that they can fly, and will then jump off the nearest building.
I do think that pornography addiction is becoming a serious problem that is hardly ever discussed. Millions of sexually dissatified men are letting their wives sleep alone while they whack it while surfing for porn. Thats all well and good, but I think, that in a lot of situations, the porn stops being a remedy to sexual dissatisfaction and becomes another cause of it.
The night before Bundy was executed, he gave a television interview to Dr. James Dobson, head of the Christian organisation Focus on the Family. Ted Bundy explained how his consumption of violent pornography helped "shape and mold" his violence into "behaviour too terrible to describe". Ted Bundy explained that he felt that violence in the media, "particularly sexualised violence", sent boys "down the road to being Ted Bundys". It has been noted that Bundy had never blamed pornography until this interview, and that no pornographic materials were found at his home when it was searched.
now, that might not be 100% relevant to the discussion, but you gotta give things a second look when Ted Bundy starts talking about porno being a contributing factor to his problem, wether or not he is a nutball...
and lets be honest here, porn is becoming a little violent...
ok, I'm ranting here, I'll stop now unless someone wants to hear me babble more