1. sex/gender Male
2. age 46
3. religion Christian. I go to church twice a month. For many years I was there twice a week, but I've fallen away, because I became bored. I believe in all the supernatural elements of Christianity. I'm just a lousy Christian.
4. are you pro-choice or pro-life? why? Pro-life. The culture of death propagated by abortion is poison to human civilization. Abortion is the murder of sentient beings at their most innocent and helpless state.
5. do you feel that abortion should be legal or illegal? why? It should be restricted and limited but not outlawed completely. It's legality should be decided by states, not by the federal government.
6. would you ever consider having one or asking your partner to (if male)? if so, under what circumstances? No. I am married, so there is no reason to consider abortion.
7. (very optional)if female, have you had one? if male, have you contributed to one? When I was in college, an ex-girlfriend who I had a "reunion" with got pregnant after our weekend fling. She had an abortion, then called to tell me it was done. At the time I thought she had done the right thing, only I was upset that she didn't involve me until after it was done.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.