I think what he meant by "just be" is people is sick of all the "in your face" crap the gay community spits out daily. You see it on television. You hear about it on the news. Kids go to school and are being taught that to be gay is wonderful. People want to be able to teach their morals to their children in their own home without the education system teaching them something completely different. Most people don't give a damn what sexual orientation someone might be. Just don't flaunt it. Probably what hurt the gay movement more then anything here in the States is when the mayor from California broke the law and married gay couples. The judge in Mass. didn't help anything. If you want to point a finger as to who riled up the "values" and the "religous right" voter, look no further. Bush just capitalized by accepting the issue as the national crisis the gay community wanted. Things might have been different if they had chosen another route other than the "all or nothing" route they chose. The votes are in and basically they got nothing.
On a personal level, I don't give a damn either way. If someone is "born to be gay" or chooses to be gay then so be it. Whatever, I personally don't give a hoot. What people do in the privacy of their home is none of my business. Just leave it at home when you leave like everyone else.