Don't have the time to give you a full answer now, I will try later.
Short answer, marriage is sacred to me. I married my wife in front of God. Obviously, I don't need to go into any detail about any particular church's feelings towards homosexuality, you should know it already.
That said, I don't care what people do sexually, I really don't. I don't condemn anyone for being gay. I have had many, many friends that were gay and I treated them as what they were, my friends.
I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I never thought there would need to be a law needed to define it, but it seems we have moved in that direction.
As I mentioned, I have no problems with equal legal rights, property rights, etc. I have no problem with calling it something else (i.e. a civil union). So, in my mind, there is no hate. All I ask is that you let me keep the word marriage to stay exactly what it has been for centuries.
I don't see any rights being denied (that I am aware of). I just want to keep the word, if you know what I mean.
Did these states offer up any alternatives, i.e. civil unions?