Allow me, if I may, to counter those points with points of my own.
1. I can't understand why anyone believes that allowing gays or lesbians to marry undermines the value of their own marriage. If you truly believe this, then your marriage isn't that strong to begin with. Also, since when do we celebrate our nation's diversity and liberties by denying a particular segment of the population the same civil protections because we think they're "icky"? What laws have gays broken that warrant this constitutional amendment denying them equal rights? What does "the pursuit of happiness" mean?
2. Republicans control all branches of government on the federal level. However, 48 percent of voters do not share their views or support their policies. It's delusional for them to think that they should not be ignored? The last time I checked, the president is the president of every American, not just the ones who voted for him. Unfortunately, our president has said "I will reach out to those who support our policies." What he <i>should</i> be doing is reaching out to those who <i>don't</i> support his policies. If this is not divisive thinking, then I am more ignorant than I thought.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses