Like Secret said earlier in this thread, if it is an private store, then can sell/not sell whatever they please. There is no law that says every drug prescribed must be dispensed.
This is a free-market people. If they don't want to sell it, they don't have to. If you don't want to buy it, then don't buy it.
It's not like she couldn't go to another pharmacy.
/goes looking for the Candian immigration web site if the laws in this country change and tell me (or anyone else) what I can or can't sell in a store that I (or anyone else) owns.
//go to a jewish/muslim meat store and ask for non-kosher meat. They won't sell it for religious reasons--should they be forced to as well?
///freedom means freedom, to sell something or to not sell something. We are in a competitve marketplace, one person sells it one person doesn't--so what?