Why not just "be?" Is it intolerance towards homosexuals or as it is backlash towards homosexual who act out the media's homosexual stereotypes? Swishy guys with Judy Garland voices and short-haired ladies who dress in mens clothes. What's real? How does wearing male-styled clothing complete a lesbian's self-image or waving a limp-wristed hand around calling people bitch compelte a gay man's self-image?
I'm not trying to bait people or be inflammatory, I just would like an answer.
Stereotypes are just not right. IMHO, using any media-prompted behavioral pattern is a fucked-up road to a surefire fucked up life.
Edit: BTW, heading off to canada because Bush won? Loser. Hehhe... In the words of the immortal Bugs Bunny: "What a dolt! What a Maroon!" Don't let the turnstile hit you in the ass as you leave.