Originally Posted by sapiens
If you are interested in human evolution and your anthro dept doesn't have a bio-anthro major, I would be wary of majoring in anthro. Cultural anthro is VERY different from bio anthro. Personally, I think cultural anthro borders on not being a science. If you are truly interested in learning about human evolution and your anthro program offers few bio-anthro courses, I would major in biology, take as many evolution courses as you can and take whatever bio-anthro/evo-psych courses are available. If you are interested in cross-cultural research and possibly an easier college experience, I would just major in anthro.
EDIT: Talk to an academic counselor.
Yeah many of the anthro classes have nothing to do with archeology. I'm not sure I want to waste my time in those....oiy...
do minors mean anything when being considered for gradschool/jobs?