Originally Posted by Sen
Since when is a public mandate a problem? I thought that was the whole point of representative democracy. As far as I'm concerned, he should be able to use his mandate to accomplish an actual agenda instead of always being bogged down in partisan politics. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that since the majority of Americans elected the Senators and Reps he will have to work with. At the end of the day, however, I don't think either chamber will allow the President to push an agenda that would endanger the viability of the Party in the immediate future.
Just because the majority of Americans voted President Bush in doesn't mean I have to enjoy who he is or what he does. It may not be a problem for the majority of Americans, but it's a problem for me. Partisan politics is good; it ensures that the minority opinion is heard and that the end decision is a result of compromise. You'll have to excuse me if I'm not too happy that his agenda will be streamlined, as many of the items in his agenda (particularly related to abortion, sex, science, civil liberties, and many other items) are things I disagree with.
I respect the Office of the President, and I respect that he was elected with a public and electoral mandate. That isn't going to stop me from disagreeing with his policies, or the logic he uses to support them.