When it comes down to it, buy the bike that you feel the most comfortable with. If you think you would prefer a 250 over a 600 right now, go with it, you can always upgrade later. It would suck if you bought the 600 and got throttle happy with it before you were ready.
I recently sold my bike to pay other bills. I had a cruser stile 800cc bike. Had a full face helmet (probably won't do that again), leather jacket, boots, gloves and chaps. Unfortunately I usually only wore the leathers when it was cold out though. Wore the helmet about 99.5% of the time.
As far as justifying the dangers, well some people will tell you it's about freedom and the exhileration of the road beneath you. To begin with it is, but it also becomes the wind whipping around you, the smells you wouldn't normally have in a car, things like that.
As others have said, take a motorcycle safety course if you can. The biggest advice I can give is watch out for everyone else on the road because they aren't going to watch out for you. I can't count the number of times I've almost been runn off the road because someone didn't look, or didn't see me in their mirrors before cutting me off.
Good luck and happy crusing.