Ron Luciano told a story about a game he umpired against Earl Weaver's Orioles that I happened to be watching on TV one Saturday afternoon. During the game, an Oriole runner beat out the throw to first base and Luciano signalled him "safe." However, since he was standing sort of behind the Orioles' first base coach, he yelled "Out" just to see what would happen. The net result was that everybody in the ballpark saw the "safe" signal, but only the Orioles' first base coach heard the word "out," and nobody in the park could understand why he was arguing so violently with the umpire when his guy was called safe.
Earl Weaver came running out of the Oriole's dugout to back up his coach, but even he couldn't figure out what he was supposed to do since he'd clearly seen the runner called "safe."
It was pretty funny.
Living is easy with eyes closed.