Originally Posted by hammer4all
Your analogy doesn't hold Sob. You're describing a situation in which there is an imminent threat. It is perfectly legal under international law to carry out a "pre-emptive war" if there is an imminent threat of attack.
It was a recycled joke. I was calling attention to Stompy's philosophy of letting everyone else do the heavy lifting, as opposed to what I consider a very admirable stance by Archer 2371.
If I interpret Stompy correctly, he adheres to these tenets:
1. Let everybody else fight if necessary; I'll hide and reap the benefits gained by the sacrifice, including death, of others.
2. Let everybody else work, but anybody who makes more than I do should have to give some of it to me, or to people I choose.
I'll sit back and wait for the posts telling me how wrong I am. It won't be hard to refute them.