Hey, Raeanna, I like your idea with the leaves. I too have had difficulty thinking of the "right" thing to be thankful for when the time comes for me to chime in. It sounds like you have the makings of a great new tradition for your family. As for what to do with the leaves afterword, here is one idea: Draw a tree with a trunk and branches on a longer piece of banner paper (I am envisioning something 30 inches wide and 5-8 feet long). Then you could have the children place the leaves on the tips of the branches of this tree with scotch tape. Hang the tree with the "thankful" leaves up on a wall. People could wander by and see what everyone had written before/after dinner. I know that in larger gatherings everyone will not get a chance to hear what everyone else is thankful for.
Is it "corny"? Yes, maybe, but lots of family traditions are corny. While some of the teenagers in the group might moan under their breath, I'll bet that it will be something that lots of them remember and share with their families as well.
Oh and lastly, best of luck to you and your family in hosting such a large gathering. That is no easy undertaking. I hope that some of the "thankful" leaves thank you for hosting the whole of two families!
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein